Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Our social nature: the role of social capital in fostering stewardship behaviours (#35)

Emma Church 1
  1. University of Queensland, Highgate Hill, QLD, Australia


In this presentation, the relationship between social capital and nature stewardship behaviors will be explored with a focus on addressing the threats to coastal environments. The presentation will synthesize existing literature and original research to illustrate how social networks, norms, and trust can influence the uptake of nature stewardship behaviors. Through quatitative surveys and qualitative case studies, the impact of various facets of social capital on stewardship adoption will be analyzed. The results of this research will be valuable to practitioners and organizations working to promote nature stewardship and protect the ocean, as they will provide insights into how social capital can be leveraged to encourage individuals to adopt stewardship behaviors. By understanding the role of social networks, norms, and trust, practitioners will be better equipped to design and implement programs that effectively engage individuals and promote ocean conservation.