Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Carbonate budgets induced by coral restoration of a Great Barrier Reef site following cyclone damage (#4)

C. Isabel Nunez Lendo 1 , David J. Suggett 1 , Chloë Boote 1 , Alicia McArdle 2 , Freda Nicholson 2 , Eric fisher 3 , Emma F Camp 1
  1. Climate Change Cluster (C3), University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  2. Mars, Incorporated, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
  3. GBR Biology, Cairns, QLD, Australia

Coral carbonate production is fundamental to reef accretion and, consequently, the preservation of essential reef ecosystem services, such as wave attenuation and sustained reef biodiversity. However, the unprecedented loss of coral reefs from anthropogenic impacts has put these valuable ecosystem services at risk. To counteract this loss, active rehabilitation of degraded reef sites has accelerated globally. For sites where there is a significant unconsolidated substrate, Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System (MARRS, or “Reef Stars”) has been utilised to contribute toward rubble stabilisation and reef accretion. However, the effect of the Reef Stars on the local carbonate budgets and structural complexity has not been assessed. For that purpose, we assess coral cover and reef complexity through a census-based approach to identify the contribution of carbonate producers and eroders alongside studying coral skeletal properties to estimate current carbonate budgets on a rehabilitated site compared to natural unrehabilitated reef and rubble patches on the mid-Great Barrier Reef. Our research identified an increased carbonate budget, coral cover and structural complexity at the restored site compared to the non-intervened reef and rubble patches. In general, no impacts on skeletal rigour relative to this active reef restoration were found for two representative coral species.