Poster Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Conceptual model of marine debris risk and components in NSW (#375)

Edwina Foulsham 1
  1. NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Lidcombe, NSW, Australia

The issue of marine debris in the New South Wales (NSW) marine estate (all coastal and marine waters) is complex and interwoven with a variety of environmental, social and management factors. This complexity presents barriers for stakeholders, managers and scientists when attempting to investigate and reduce the risks posed by marine debris in the NSW Marine Estate.

The Marine Debris Threat And Risk Assessment (MDTARA) for the NSW marine estate has identified priority threats, debris items and impact pathways that pose the highest risks as well as providing recommendations for promoting future risk reduction. Recommendations include engaging stakeholders, the application of the outcomes to management actions and policies as well as strategic planning of future work and investigations (for example risk distribution, management strategies etc.)

A conceptual model is being compiled to help communicate and relate the components involved with marine debris processes and the reduction of the risks they pose in NSW. The objectives of the model echo the primary MDTARA recommendations to engage stakeholders, provide an informative basis for future research, decision making and risk reduction actions. It will provide a fundamental tool to inform stakeholders and guide ongoing actions.