Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program, from R&D to deployment (#7)

Ian M McLeod 1
  1. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townville, QLD, Australia

The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (RRAP) is a partnership that brings together over 300 researchers, engineers, and other experts to create a toolkit of effective, at-scale interventions to help support the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef. The program is now in a research and development phase, focused on three areas 1) cooling and shading the reef to help protect it from the impacts of climate change 2) assisting reef species to adapt to the changing environment, and 3) supporting the recovery of degraded reefs through restoration. This presentation will provide an update of progress, highlight key research breakthroughs, and discuss pathways to deployment and opportunities for international collaboration.