Poster Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Identifying a co-governance approach to manage Australia’s marine estate (#387)

Laura L Griffiths 1 , Chris Frid 1
  1. School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Indigenous Australians have had a long and continuous relationship with sea country and the importance of their stewardship role is widely recognised in national and international laws. However, despite the number of Indigenous-led sea country management initiatives underway, there are few schemes that enable Traditional Owner management to inform strategic government planning and management. Thus, there remains a significant challenge to utilise and incorporate the holistic knowledge and diverse skills of Traditional Owners into government decision-making processes. This is particularly relevant as existing ocean industries are expanding, and new ‘blue’ industries are emerging in response to government commitments to decarbonise. This project is developing a sustainable planning framework for the whole of Australia’s marine estate. It is essential that traditional knowledge, values and approaches to managing sea country guides the process for mutual benefit of all Australians. The framework utilises an evidence-based and integrated approach to management that is consistent with Australia’s visions for sustainability. The project intends to identify approaches to mobilise a co-governance and co-management arrangement with Traditional Owners and existing and emerging blue industry sectors. We are seeking to engage with Traditional Owners throughout Australia’s coastal areas and welcome dialogue about how co-management arrangements can be identified.