Poster Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Monitoring Coastal Waters Adjacent to the EAC using High-resolution Ocean Time Series collected since 2006 (NSW-IMOS)  (#406)

Moninya Roughan 1 , Michael Hemming 1 , Tim Austin 1 , Stuart Milburn 1
  1. University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney, NSW, Australia

Since 2006, the New South Wales (NSW) node of the Integrated Marine Observing System has overseen 10 mooring sites along the coastline adjacent to the rapidly warming East Australia Current. These mooring sites have included sensors measuring important climate variables, such as temperature, velocity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and fluorescence. Here we summarise this vast high-resolution data set and explore the state and variability of coastal waters adjacent to an important western boundary current. Recently, the NSW-IMOS moorings team have developed an automated python-based reporting system that collates deployment information (including QC history), and creates and incorporates a range of plots. This reporting system produces a pdf document after each mooring deployment that can be archived with the raw data for later reference. We will highlight the reports’ features and describe how the code works, which is fully open source and adaptable to other IMOS nodes.