Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Supporting globally significant research, education and biodiversity conservation through public reef data (#59)

Antonia T Cooper 1 , Lizzi S Oh 1 , Rick Stuart-Smith 1 , Graham Edgar 1
  1. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

The National Reef Monitoring Network (NRMN) includes Reef Life Survey, Australian Temperate Reef Collaboration and Parks Victorian datasets, and is the largest quantitative source of standardised biodiversity data on the world’s rocky and coral reef habitats. Following a full redevelopment of the database and incorporation of staged, inbuilt QA/QC supported by IMOS, the NRMN data are available through the AODN portal and provide a detail-rich basis for a broad range of scientific, management and educational applications. This presentation will outline some of the new insights and applications using NRMN data over the last three years, including: assessment of population trends of 1000 reef species around the entire Australian continent over the last decade, with hidden declines in many under-studied reef taxa; providing comprehensive national ecological case studies for the last two State of the Environment reports; estimating the aesthetic value of reef fishes to better understand non-ecological services of reef species to society; supporting over 20 PhD student projects, nationally and internationally; and reporting the state of reef biodiversity to marine park managers. The NRMN demonstrates the extraordinary value of collaboration between scientists, government management agencies and citizen scientists, leading to diverse and continually emerging benefits for science and society.