Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Science and management across Australian Marine ParksĀ boundaries (#22)

Alex Tomlinson 1 , David Logan 1 , Steffan Howe 1 , John De Majnik 1
  1. Parks Australia, Hobart

Parks Australia is responsible for managing the vast estate of remote offshore Australian Marine Parks. To do this we commission research on large spatial scales and in remote parts of Australia to achieve objectives. This requires creation and use of high-quality ecological datasets across many locations via standardised approaches to ensure consistent scientific outputs. Further, this science needs to be conducted efficiently to ensure we achieve value for money and can provide demonstrable benefits in a timely manner. To achieve these challenging research and management objectives, partnerships and collaborative approaches are critical in the delivery of research priorities. This includes raising the profile and highlighting the importance of Traditional Owners as critical partners to establish, understand and support the management of Sea Country in our marine parks. It must also include the coordinated delivery of research across the multitude of marine experts in Australia to ensure socio-ecological knowledge is preserved and methodological approaches align across regions, marine parks and research labs. This presentation aims to highlight and encourage engagement in the strategic and collaborative approach we are taking as an agency to support the delivery of science in a world-leading marine parks estate.