Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Advances in Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting for Australian Marine Parks - supporting evidence-based management. (#24)

Steffan A Howe 1 , David Logan 1 , Cath Samson 1 , John De Majnik 2 , Scott Francis 1 , Lou Cathro 2 , Mitch Ryan 2 , Alex Tomlinson 1
  1. Parks Australia, Kingston, TASMANIA, Australia
  2. Parks Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Australia’s system of 60 marine parks covers 3.5 million km2, about 39% of Australia’s marine jurisdiction, and protects important natural, cultural and heritage values, while providing social, cultural, and economic benefits for the Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. A system of marine parks of this size, diversity and significance requires targeted and effective management. Parks Australia is continuing to develop programs and systems to help ensure best practice monitoring, (management effectiveness) evaluation and reporting to support evidence-based management of the AMPs. The approach has been developed with our partners and based on lessons learned from other jurisdictions international MPA management experts and recognises the importance of western and First Nations science. Major progress includes development of a draft management effectiveness framework and AMP Science Strategy and identification of network level monitoring priorities to support park management. We are also working with science partners to refine our data and information management needs, as well developing various approaches for reporting on status of natural values. This presentation will provide an overview of the targeted monitoring, evaluation and reporting approaches being developed and implemented for the Australian Marine Parks.