Poster Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

A Review of Transcriptomic Approaches in Marine Ecology (#363)

Jonathan Lawley 1 2 3 , Tessa Page 4
  1. School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
  2. Coastal and Marine Research Centre, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
  3. Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  4. School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

Transcriptomic technologies provide tools to further our understanding of an organism’s biology by allowing researchers to rapidly gain information on the genetic variation of populations and the regulation of cellular processes and pathways through gene presence, absence, and expression. Here, we review the application of transcriptomics in the field of marine ecology over the last decade, following a systematic literature review approach. We found 478 articles that fit our search criteria of using transcriptomic approaches to address ecological hypotheses, with 70% of these studies occurring within the last 5 years. Among the analysed articles, 51.7% involved a type of stressor, 16.6% used transcriptomics to study adaptation, and another 15.9% researched ecological interactions. Most articles investigated species from kingdom Animalia, with a high representation from both molluscs (19.5%) and chordates (13.3%), and only 22% of studies had a fieldwork component. Our review demonstrates how the use of transcriptomic techniques in the field of marine ecology is increasing and how they are being applied. Although there are still challenges researchers experience, particularly when annotating genes in non-model species and those with no prior genomic resources, these innovative technologies are extremely valuable in investigating differential gene expression, molecular pathways, and generating genomic resources.