Poster Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Right Whale ID – the faces of success (#367)

Kerry Cooper 1 , Andy Marshall 2
  1. Department of Planning and Environment, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Coffs Harbour, NSW
  2. NSW Department of Planning and Environment, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Port Macquarie, NSW

Prior to 2021, with limited resources, seasonal data collection for the endangered South East Australian population of Southern Right Whales (SRWs) in NSW waters was generally opportunistic. Numbers migrating along the 2000 kilometre coastline annually and their preferred areas to breed and calve in NSW were uncertain. Since 2021, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment Right Whale ID Program (RWID) has used a citizen science model to recruit up to 30 skilled volunteer drone operators annually, train them to take images legally and how to securely upload their donated image. The success of RWID may be attributed to: recognising the valuable skill set in the community coupled with their interest in the subject matter, participants agreeing to abide by laws and conditions framing the project, setting practical limits, creating a sense of community, regular review by the project team and developing a strategy for retention including managing participant expectation. RWID is funded under the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy and will continue to assist in day-to-day management, increase understanding about SRWs migrating into NSW waters, including breeding numbers, site fidelity, habitat needs, and considerations for future conservation and protection. The data is also provided to SEASRWPIC and ARWPIC databases.