Keynote (15 minutes) Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

SHORT KEYNOTE: Abbot Point Land and Sea Management Partnership: achieving environmental and cultural benefits   (#135)

Julie Keane 1 , Jessica Vakameilalo 2
  1. North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, Bowen, QLD, Australia
  2. Juru Enterprises Limited, Bowen, Qld, Australia

This paper explores the partnership which has been developed between North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) and Juru Enterprises Limited (JEL) for the delivery of land and sea management activities at the Port of Abbot Point, in Juru Country. The paper discusses the development of the partnership and how it is informing long term environmental management on land and sea country, by JEL. Where elements of two-way learning and co-management approaches are being implemented, to achieve environmental and cultural benefits.

The paper focuses on the long-term sea turtle monitoring program, which has been in place for three years. This program was instigated by JEL and has expanded each year of implementation, to include additional elements of monitoring and management. The monitoring program is developed collaboratively and is then implemented by JEL, with the support of NQBP. As the partnership develops the management plan is expected to further expand and incorporate elements of traditional knowledge within reporting.