Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

A case study in working together to manage marine debris (#137)

Grace Nye-Butler 1 , Graeme Clark 1 2 , John Turnbull 1 2 , Emma Johnston 1 2
  1. UNSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  2. University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Cape York is a marine debris hot spot, with Northern Queensland receiving the largest volume of litter in Australia. First Nations Rangers are key actors in managing marine debris as the Traditional Custodians of the Land and Sea Country in Cape York. However, there is a gap in understanding the challenges and enablers of marine debris management in this region. Creating genuine partnerships, trust, and collaboration with Ranger Groups within the bounds of university ethics structures in short time frames can be challenging. Gathering information on marine debris management in Cape York facilitates understanding these challenges and impacts, advancing greater connectivity of marine debris management in Australia. This presentation will outline the steps we took to meet engage and work together with First Nations Ranger groups in Cape York. Using Tangaroa Blue as a conduit, we participated in clean-ups forming connections with local Ranger organisations. By being genuine, prioritising relationship building over data collection, completing research in person, and thoroughly and openly discussing reciprocity, we have created meaningful research together. We will present an early view of the data; however, the essence of this project was to open a dialogue to work together to manage marine debris in Cape York.