Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

ReefCast - Telling the stories of Sea Country through the voices of Great Barrier Reef Traditional Custodians   (#102)

Malachi Johnson 1 2 , John Brooksbank 1 2
  1. ReefCast, Cairns, QLD, Australia
  2. ReefCast, Cairns, QLD, Australia

ReefCast is the first Traditional Owner owned and led channel, podcast, and platform that seeks to create content, raise awareness and tell the real stories of the Great Barrier Reef through an Indigenous lens. ReefCast provides a grassroots approach to expressing, understanding, and sharing the perspective of Traditional Custodians by sharing real stories and highlighting the issues and challenges affecting traditional custodians caring for Sea Country. Through our ReefCast journey, we would like to share how we provide a platform for self-determination that promotes traditional knowledge, traditional science, and traditional owner-led initiatives across the Great Barrier Reef. In a highly institutionalised western-oriented space, our purpose is to be a voice for the voiceless and consistently share how Traditional Custodians are caring for Sea Country in their own ways.