Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Sustainable Enterprises (#170)

Robert (Bo) A Carne 1 , Brenton S Cardona 1
  1. Aboriginal Sea Company, Darwin

A 2008 High Court decision confirmed the rights of Aboriginal people to control access to tidal waters over their lands in the Northern Territory, known as the “Blue Mud Bay” (BMB) decision.

After extensive negotiations, Traditional Owners proposed the establishment of the Aboriginal Sea Company (ASC) that would be the entity to facilitate the ownership and participation of Aboriginal people in relation to sea country related business interest in the NT.

The ASC will deliver investment opportunities that contributes to creating an enduring legacy for our young people, giving them something to takeover and teaching them the ways of our past to protect their future by capturing all aspects of saltwater country.  One of the ways this will be done is from building better relationship with mainstream businesses and government for future ecologically sustainable economic development.

The ASC investments are a way to resume control of our waters by implementing our knowledge to sustainably manage the natural resources. The ASC will expand an Aboriginal Fishing Mentor Program to build Aboriginal people’s capacity in marine related businesses include fishing by building on traditional knowledge, scientific knowledge, and innovation to mitigate against interactions with Threatened, Endangers and Protected Species (TEPS).