Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Indigenous tribes in Tauranga, New Zealand have partnered with scientists and are working with agencies and organisations to protect their natural biodiversity and reverse the impact of increasing coastal populations and industry across their coastline and ocean. (#105)

Carlton Bidois 1
  1. Indigenous Research Center, Manaaki Te Awanui, Tauranga, New Zealand

Working with local agencies, organisations and community, indigenous leaders in Tauranga, New Zealand, have implemented biodiversity protection and conservation efforts to protect their taonga (marine flora n fauna) through the application of traditional practices and methodologies.  Partnering with scientists they aim to address the issues and impacts caused by increasing urbanisation and port development across their coastlines.  Identifying key strategic relationships and building on their own indigenous knowledge and intimacy with their ocean and coastline, Tauranga Iwi (tribes) are working to protect their natural marine environment so that they can continue their traditional relationship with their oceans and seas.   This presentation will discuss how partnerships between western and indigenous knowledge holders are working together to protect marine environments for future generations.