Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

The effect of catchment load reductions on water quality in the Crown-of-Thorn Starfish outbreak initiation zone (#236)

Joey Crosswell 1 , Barbara Robson 2 , Frederieke Kroon 2
  1. CSIRO, DUTTON PARK, QLD, Australia
  2. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville

Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (CoTS) population outbreaks contribute to coral cover decline on Indo-Pacific reefs. On the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), enhanced catchment nutrient loads are hypothesised to increase phytoplankton food for CoTS larvae in the outbreak initiation zone. This study uses the eReefs marine modelling system along with six catchment load scenarios to examine whether catchment load reductions will improve water quality in the CoTS initiation zone during the larval period. We defined the i) initiation zone’s spatial extent; ii) larval 6 stage’s temporal extent; and iii) water quality thresholds related to larval food, from published information. We applied these to model simulations, developed to quantify the effect of catchment load reductions on GBR water quality (Baird et al. 2021), and found a consistently weak response of chlorophyll-a, total organic nitrogen and large zooplankton concentrations in the initiation zone. Model results indicate marine and atmospheric forcing are more likely to control the planktonic biomass in this zone, even during major flooding events purported to precede CoTS outbreaks

  1. Baird, M. E., Mongin, M., Skerratt, J., Margvelashvili, N., Tickell, S., Steven, A. D., ... & Brodie, J. (2021). Impact of catchment-derived nutrients and sediments on marine water quality on the Great Barrier Reef: An application of the eReefs marine modelling system. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 167, 112297.