Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Christmas comes once a year, but the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report only once every five! Now’s your chance to contribute. (#215)

Rohana Rogan-Darvill 1 , Chloe Schauble 1 , Dieter Tracey 1 , Ryan Ramasamy 1
  1. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, QLD, Australia

It’s that time again! We’re preparing the Reef Authority’s 5-yearly assessment of how the Great Barrier Reef is faring.


The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report covers a huge range of topics, from fishing to corals through to historic heritage and traditional use of marine resources.


Come along to this presentation to hear how the report’s development will unfold, how we draw on current research and knowledge, and how your work could be included.


Perhaps you are working on something relevant that you’d love us to be aware of? We’ll provide tips on how to make your research, project, policy, or expertise visible and easy for us to draw on.