Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Decisions, Decisions…. Making your science work for the Reef (#216)

Chloe Schauble 1 , Susan Sobtzick 1 , Karen Chong-Seng 1 , Emily Webster 1 , Paul Groves 1
  1. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, Qld, Australia

Reef management is evidence based. But where does this evidence come from? There is so much good science happening in the Reef space, often our problem isn’t lack of evidence but an overabundance of information and the challenges of navigating it. To sensibly use evidence it needs to be in the right formats, at appropriate temporal and spatial scale. It also needs to be compatible and combined across sources and models. Furthermore, management decisions are rarely one dimensional. They must be addressed using a variety of tools and processes. Decision making takes place in many different contexts, at different scales, considering competing priorities and risks. Ensuring robust science is part of this puzzle is a priority. This presentation discusses a range of tools that the Reef Authority is developing to streamline and refine processes for accessing and using multiple lines of evidence for a variety of decision-making processes.