Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

The comparison of farming methods and drying methods for seaweed, kappaphycus alvarezii in Kadavu, Fiji Islands. (#218)

Albert J Whippy 1
  1. University of the South Pacific, Suva, SUVA, Fiji

This thesis presents the finding of a research based on the different farming methods and drying methods of kappapycus alvarezii. The two different farming methods of seaweed farming "off bottom" amd "floating longline" were applied with the two different drying methods, "hang dry" and "dry on rack". Laboratory experiment was also carried out where the seaweed was grwon in a more controlled condition of salinity and water temperature. Socio economic surveys were also conducted via targeted key informant interviews conducted in the seaweed farming associated community.

The study found that the percentage weight change for both methods did not vary signioficanlty indicating that neither method is superior however the cold season May to October as the best season to cultivate K. alvarezii in Fiji. The best salinity to cultivate K. alvarezii is 31 psu with water temperature of 29 degrees celsius. With the two drying methods, it was clear that there was no signifincant difference with the two methods in terms of reduction of moisture. The lab experiment pointe do out that the best temperature to use under controlled environemnt is 29 degrees celsius with salinity of 31 psu. Ice ice was a common disease affecting the growth of k.alvarezii.