Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Running a 94m blue water research vessel for the Australian marine science community: Capabilities and opportunities (#243)

Stef Stimson 1 , Matt Kimber 1 , Ben Arthur 1 , Sam Hinton 1
  1. CSIRO Marine National Facility, Hobart, TAS, Australia

The Marine National Facility provides researchers with world‑class ocean research capabilities, high quality marine data and expertise built up over more than 40 years. Centred around research vessel (RV) Investigator, designed and built to operate flexibly both within and between scientific disciplines, the facility also provides the Australian research community with access to a suite of advanced scientific equipment and instruments, as well as expert technical and voyage planning support.   

Here, we outline the current platform and provide a forward look at future capabilities. We also explore how Australian researchers and their international collaborators can access sea time, and provide insights into the three access pathways for established and early career researches, and non-academic sectors opportunities.