Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Improved parameterisation of natal settlement in marine connectivity modelling for the GBR    (#260)

Jim Greenwood 1 , Scott Condie 2 , Mark Baird 2
  1. CSIRO, Crawley, WA, Australia
  2. CSIRO, Hobart

In past marine connectivity study of the GBR it has been assumed that 28% of coral larvae undergo natal settlement. This parameterisation is largely based on a field study on Helix reef (Sammarco & Andrews, 1989). In this study we present new high-resolution particle-tracking simulations for a range of GBR reefs and islands with different reef morphologies and estimate the time-scale of local particle retention. We examine the influence of model grid resolution, 3D advection and particle release time, and express retention time-scale as a function of physical parameters such as reef area, mean water depth and tidal range, suggesting ways in which the parameterisation of natal settlement might be improved in future marine connectivity modelling. 



  1. Sammarco, P. W. & Andrews, J. C. (1989) The Helix experiment: Differential localized dispersal and recruitment patterns in Great Barrier Reef corals. L&O 34(5), 896-912.