Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Meaningful mangrove monitoring to inform management: Development, assessment and application of mangrove ecosystem condition indicators to inform Great Barrier Reef regional report cards using citizen science. (#280)

Jock R Mackenzie 1 , Norman Duke 2
  1. Earthwatch Institute, Melbourne, VICTORIA, Australia
  2. TropWATER, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia

The Reef-2050 Long Term Sustainability Plan supports the development of annual regional waterway condition report cards to provide regionally-relevant assessments of waterway ‘health’ in 5 Great Barrier Reef (GBR) regions. The 2022 Wet Tropics Waterway Health Report Card included a mangrove ecosystem condition indicator for the first time. The inclusion of the mangrove condition indicator was also one of the first instances of data derived from a citizen science program used to evaluate waterway health within a report card framework. Using georeferenced shoreline image data collected by MangroveWatch citizen scientists we developed a set of mangrove condition indicators that link to mangrove ecosystem function and response. These indicators can be used to track mangrove ecosystem condition over time and inform appropriate management. Here we report on the outcomes of the Cairns and Far North Queensland MangroveWatch citizen science program and present a 4-year temporally and spatially comparative dataset of mangrove habitat condition indicators from 7 estuaries in the Wet Tropics region. The program outcomes demonstrate that citizen science collected data can provide a robust measure of tidal wetland ecosystem health used to inform GBR tidal wetland and waterway management while also directly engaging local communities in GBR conservation.