Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Wudjari Sea Country discovery (#416)

Doc Reynolds 1 , David Guilfoyle 1 , Donna Beach 1 , Emily Wood 2 , Nicole Hamre 3 , Matthew Navarro 3 , Tim Langlois 3
  1. Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation, Esperance, WA, Australia
  2. Marine Parks Branch - Parks Australia, Kingston, TAS, Australia
  3. The University of Western Australia, Margaret River, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Australia

This is project exploring cultural and biodiversity dynamics of Wudjari Sea Country, in southern Western Australia, and linking two Australian Marine Parks.  We outline how aspects of cultural guidance integrate with marine biodiversity survey design and methodologies, that work towards Wudjari management aspirations of Sea Country.  At the same time, the project provides for knowledge sharing between Tjaltjraak Rangers and project partners of marine biodiversity survey methods, including stereo-BRUV and stereo-Drop cameras, and socio-economic methods for recording Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of the public with the Australian Marine Parks across Wudjari Sea Country. We outline the co-design and co-delivery process and lessons learned through our partnership, present our next steps, and show a short film documenting the project – as the collaboration between the Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (ETNTAC) and the University of Western Australia – supported by Our Marine Parks Grant (OMPG Wudjari Sea Country Discovery) funded by the Australian Government.