Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement (TUMRAs), sustaining formal partnerships with Great Barrier Reef Traditional Owners  (#417)

Leon Jackson 1 , Malachi Johnson 2
  1. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, QLD
  2. Gooreng Gooreng Traditional Owner, QLD

Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements (TUMRAs) describe how Traditional Owners work in partnership with the Australian and Queensland governments to manage traditional use activities on their Sea Country. A TUMRA is a voluntary formal agreement developed by Traditional Owner groups to manage their Sea Country estates, in collaboration with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Queensland Department of Environment and Science. These agreements, accredited by Australian and Queensland Governments are based on Traditional Custom and Lore and ensure traditional use can be maintained in an ecologically sustainable way, through a collaborative and cooperative approach with managing partners. TUMRAs provide Traditional Owner groups with a platform to support their Traditional Lores, Customs and Cultural Authority governance systems. A TUMRA can describe how saltwater Traditional Owner groups wish to manage their traditional use of marine resources, their role in compliance, research and monitoring of plants and animals, protection of cultural heritage values and the management of human activities in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This presentation explains the benefits of TUMRAs and showcases how some TUMRA groups have utilised their TUMRAs in many ways to support their Sea Country management aspirations.