Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Leading transformative systems change - Reef 2050 Traditional Owner Implementation Plan (#301)

Liz Wren 1 , Christine Grant 2 , Duane Fraser 3 , Malcolm Mann 4 , Malachi Johnson 4 , Jessie Courtney 5
  1. Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Townsville, QLD, Australia
  2. Integration, Monitoring and Reporting Technical Working Group, GBRF, QLD, Australia
  3. Wulgurukaba and Bidjara Traditional Owner, Great Barrier Reef
  4. Darumbal Traditional Owner, Rockhampton
  5. Ecosure, Rockhampton

The Great Barrier Reef, its islands and adjacent land, holds within it our cultural identity. We are some of the many Traditional Custodians of the Reef and we continue to maintain our Lores and customs through custodial responsibilities and obligations.  The world is now turning to us for our unique leadership, traditional knowledge, and cultural practices to provide nature-based solutions in the care and management of our important places. We have participated in good faith over many decades in continuous planning process, which have informed numerous strategies and plans driven by government. In 2022 an important milestone was achieved through the launch of our own stand-alone Reef 2050 Traditional Owner Implementation Plan. Building on significant work undertaken through a co-designed approach our presentation details aspects of implementation which aims to change the current approach. Particularly to adopt more holistic and inclusive ways to formal governance and management of the Reef; build more effective partnerships that empower Traditional Owners to lead, co-design and co-deliver programs; provide better coordination across the Reef and Catchment sea and landscapes; identify ways to drive investment, and for us to tell our own stories so we can elevate the voice of Traditional Owners through the implementation of First Nations-led approaches.