Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Women Fishers Involvement in Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management: Experiences from Lampung, Indonesia (#270)

Onesya Damayanti 1
  1. Environmental Defense Fund, Bandarlampung, LAMPUNG, Indonesia

In the blue swimming crab fishery in Lampung, women's involvement is significant at various stages of the Blue Swimming Crab supply chain. However, policies regulating Blue Swimming Crab fishery and trade have yet to consider women's work and knowledge. Recognition of the role of women is still limited to the contribution of their workforce at the production level. The Blue Swimming Crab sustainable fisheries management initiative in Lampung has involved women's institutions in regional co-management. The involvement of women has opened up new perspectives and opportunities in fisheries governance related to livelihood diversification, resilience and community organizing. The efforts show that gender equality is crucial in resource and fisheries management.