Standard Presentation Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

What is social license, and what does it mean for offshore wind energy in Australia? (#325)

Alaya Spencer-Cotton 1
  1. University of Western Australia, Fremantle, WA, Australia

Offshore wind energy is potentially going to play a key role in Australia’s transition to a low carbon future. One area of research that is currently being neglected in the discussion is the Australian public's appetite for, understanding of, and the general social license to operate offshore wind farms. In other countries, ignoring public perceptions and the social license has been perilous to a smooth transition to offshore renewables. Perceived issues such as impacts on visual amenity, marine access, and environmental impacts have dominated public discourse around offshore wind farms. In this project we aim to take an Australian national snapshot of the social license for offshore wind energy. Using established social survey and economic non-market valuation methods to understand values and preferences, this snapshot will capture the current social license of offshore wind renewables, detect sticking points, and identify optimal pathways forward for a transition to offshore renewables in Australia.