Amy Kirke Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Amy Kirke

Originally from Perth, WA Amy moved to Darwin, NT in 2018 to study commercial shark fisheries at Charles Darwin University. She completed a Marine Science degree with Honours at Murdoch University. Amy’s love for shark biology was solidified on a field trip to Coral Bay (WA coast) where she dove with whale sharks for the first time. Similarly, her love for fisheries science developed surprisingly during an elective unit (Sustainable Fisheries Management) in the last year of her undergrad. When she was invited to apply for a PhD project studying the biology of bycatch shark fisheries in the NT for future management; she jumped at the chance to move to the NT. Her PhD work partnered with NT Fisheries and in 2023 Amy was lucky to secure a Fisheries Scientist role with the Fisheries Branch of the Department of Industry Tourism and Trade.

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