Tatiana Rykova Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Tatiana Rykova

Dr Tatiana Rykova is a physical oceanographer, specialising in analysis of ocean observations and models - particularly water mass analysis, ocean dynamics, and mesoscale eddy dynamics. Tatiana completed an undergraduate degree at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a Masters and PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in physical oceanography. Tatiana is currently working on the assessment of regional ocean and atmospheric forecasts, under the Bluelink project, on the delayed-mode quality control of Argo float observations, and on the development of post-processing techniques to refine gridded products from forecasts or reanalyses to better match observations. Tatiana draws on her deep understanding of physical oceanography to exploit data from observations and models to deliver benefits to a wide range of stakeholders and industries.

Abstracts this author is presenting: