Lisa A Walton Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Lisa A Walton

I come from a background in fisheries management having worked at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for close to four years. My primary role there was to conduct ecological risk assessments for a range of commercial fisheries. These assessments examined trawl, line, or net operations and their potential impact on marine fauna and habitats. Prior to working for the government, I completed my bachelors at the University of Queensland. I completed honours in 2016 with a project on benthic shark electrosensory systems and how they change through development. Over the years I’ve volunteered at public aquariums, marine animal rescue facilities, and a cage diving boat in South Africa. Looking into the future, I hope to continue my career path towards sustainable fisheries management. There are some incredible advancements to support this area of science but the real-world uptake by management bodies is lacking. I would really like to be a part of this process.

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