Maree Fudge Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Maree Fudge

Dr. Maree Fudge is an early career postdoctoral researcher in marine policy and governance (public policy). She works across the Human Dimensions Team, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (UTAS), and the School of Social Sciences (UTAS) and is an associate with the Centre for Marine Socioecology. Her research interests are integrated marine and coastal governance, ecosystem-based management, aquaculture, citizen and stakeholder participation and democratic legitimacy, and institutional analysis. Maree is also interested in Indigenous and First Nations rights and access to Country in marine governance. As an ECR, Maree has published on marine governance in high impact journals including Frontiers in Marine Science, Society and Natural Resources, and Environmental Science and Policy. Prior to her career ‘sea change’ to academia, Maree was a private consultant working with marine industries including the salmon aquaculture, on stakeholder engagement and the governance interface between government, industry and ‘community’.

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