Kirsten Benkendorff Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting 2023

Kirsten Benkendorff

Kirsten Benkendorff is a Professor at the National Marine Science Centre, Southern Cross University, Australia. She is an interdisciplinary marine researcher who applies the tools of chemistry to answer biological questions concerning valuable marine resources. She has made significant contributions towards assessing the impacts of environmental stressors and anthropogenic stressors on seafood species. She currently leads a research program investigating the effects on climate change and environmental contaminants on seafood using lipidomics, metabolomics and proteomics, demonstrating significant implications for the health, nutritional quality and functional food properties of seafood species. Kirsten has also been investigating the traditional use of marine molluscs in human medicine and has undertaken preclinical trials on anticancer and anti-inflammatory brominated indoles from Muricidae molluscs. Kirsten supports a large team of postgraduate research students and has won several awards for her research and has been named as a 2023 Superstar of STEM by Science and Technology Australia.

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